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Indigenous Insights

Note: As of January 2024, Indigenous Insights is no longer accepting new registrations until further notice. Miigwech for your patience.

Indigenous Insights is a flexible learning program that supports organizations seeking to understand and respond to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s Calls to Action.

Created by Indigenous Peoples

Indigenous Insights was created with the engagement of Indigenous people including academics, professionals, political activists and community members. It was produced by Indigenous owned production company Strongfront.tv

Inspiring reconciliation through education

Truth and Reconciliation is a cause that should inspire all Canadians. As Canada continues to acknowledge the place of Indigenous Peoples within this country, this training will help Canadians to build an understanding that goes beyond the headlines and examines the truth for Indigenous people today. When we understand our shared history more completely, we better understand each other.

Designed with your organization in mind

The program educates Canadians and clarifies commonly held misconceptions about the Indigenous Peoples of Canada. It is ideal for educators, public health workers, employees in the public and private sectors, NGOs, faith-based and spiritual organizations, and those seeking to enhance their knowledge and understanding of Indigenous Peoples. It is an overview of Indigenous Peoples’ history, cultures, and relationship with Canada.

Program Structure

Indigenous Insights has two options, online video modules and facilitated group training. 

Online Video Modules

An online approach allows organizations to provide training to all employees without a significant time commitment. The modules can be viewed together or separately, allowing employees to learn at their own pace. The videos are 8 to 13 minutes in length and are self-contained. The online training can be completed in less than 90 minutes.

Facilitated Group Training

In-person facilitation offers a deeper, more reflective experience for groups of up to 30. It is recommended for senior leadership and employees who are expected to engage with Indigenous Peoples and communities. This full day of training includes up to six modules followed by discussion and break out groups for each section.

Contact Us

For registration, pricing and questions relating to Indigenous Insights, please contact:

Indigenous Insights Manager

Email: indigenousinsights@uwinnipeg.ca